Various (Larsen) Arias for Bass, Complete w/Diction & Accompaniment CDs

Vocal Range Collections, Bass/Baritone-Bass

  • Various (Larsen)

    Arias for Bass, Complete w/Diction & Accompaniment CDs (Larsen)

    This all-in-one package includes the original Arias for Soprano book from the G. Schirmer Opera Anthology along with two accompaniment CDs AND the corresponding Diction Coach book/two CD set. Diction Coach includes recorded diction lessons, IPA, and wordfor word translations. In addition to piano accompaniments playable on both your CD player and computer, the enhanced accompaniment CDs also include tempo adjustment software for CD-ROM computer use. -the publisher

    •  Ah,Un Foco Insolito(Donizetti)
    •  Als Bublein Klein (Nicolai)
    •  Aprite Un Po' Quegl'occhi
    •  Come Dal Ciel Precipita (Verdi)
    •  Dalle Stanze (Donizetti)
    •  Epouse Quelque Brave Fille (Massenet)
    •  Gremin's Aria(Onegin) Tchaikovsky
    •  Il Lacerato Spirito (S.Boccaneg-
    •  In Diesen Heil'gen Hallen (Mozart)
    •  Infelice! E Tuo Credevi (Verdi)
    •  La Calunnia(Bar-Seville-Rossini)
    •  La Vendetta (Mozart-Marriage Of Figaro)
    •  Le Veau D'or (Faust - Gounod)
    •  Let Things Be Like They Always Was
    •  Madamina! Catalogo E Ques (Mozart)
    •  Miei Rampolli Femminini
    •  Non pi� andrai from Le Nozze di Figaro
    •  O Isis Und Osiris
    •  O Tu, Palermo (Vespri Siciliani)
    •  O Wie Will Ich Triumphir(Mozart)
    •  Pour Les Couvents C'est Fini
    •  Quand La Flamme De L'amour
    •  Schweig' S--Damit Dich Niemand W
    •  Se vuol ballare from Le Nozze di Figaro
    •  Vecchia Zimarra(Boheme-Puccini)
    •  Vi Ravviso (Sonnambula) Bellini
    •  Vous Qui Faites L'endormie
    •  What What Is It

    • Category: Vocal Range Collections, Bass/Baritone-Bass
    • Item: 096584
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $49.99

    • (usually ships in 6 to 9 days)