Saglietti, Corrado Maria Suite

Horn Solos w/Piano

  • Saglietti, Corrado Maria


    20th Century. Contains: Tango; Canzone; Speedy. Piano reduction of a work originally for alto trombone (or horn) & string quartet. "On a characteristic tango atmosphere, a melancholic and sensual melody opens the first piece. A simple and vibrant chant comes next, in a frame that's sometimes rarefied, sometimes passionate. The final piece is rhythmic and enthralling, with bright colors, curious effects and a slightly jazzed-flavor. A cocktail of passion, nostalgia and virtuosity that captures and amuses both the performers and the audience." -the publisher

    (solo sample pages)

    Recorded by:
    Θ - Ron Barron, on Return of the Alto - CD 53577 (alto trombone & strings)

    • Category: Horn Solos w/Piano
    • Item: 082611
    • Grade/Level: Advanced
    • Price: $39.95

    • (usually ships in 10 to 15 days)