Trevor Wye's acclaimed "Practice Books for the Flute" have now sold over 1 million copies and proved invaluable to players at every grade. Each book explores individual aspects of flute technique in concise detail. This revised edition features updated diagrams, clearer musical notation and improved overall design. Book 6: Advanced Practice is invaluable for both amateur and would-be professional players. It builds on knowledge gained in the earlier books, while also breaking new ground. Tone, po...
This book dedicated to the flute in popular Cuban music is a method in which I have tried to include all the technical and stylistical aspects that are of interest to the musician who wishes to become acquainted with the world of Latin music. On the one hand, the book presents the most important genres of our music where the flute plays an outstanding role as a solo instrument; on the other hand, it introduces the most essential characteristics of the individual genres the flutist should be famil...