Includes Alleluja from EXSULTATE, JUBILATE (W.A. Mozart); Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen (W.A. Mozart); Aprs un reve (G. Faur); Care selve (G.F. Handel); Chanson norvgienne (F. Fourdrain); Clavelitos (J. Valverde); Crabbed age and youth (C.H.H.Parry); Domine Deus from GLORIA (A. Vivaldi); I mourn as a dove from ST. PETER (J. Benedict); Il mio ben quando verr (G. Paisiello); J'ai pleur en reve (G. He); La belle au bois dormant (F. Fourdrain); Le rossignol des lilas (R. Hahn); Love Is a Plaintive Song from PATIENCE (A. Sullivan); Mandoline (G. Faur); Mausfallen-Sprchlein (H. Wolf); Mondnacht (R. Schumann); My Sweetheart and I (A. Beach); Niemand hat's geseh'n (J.K.G. Loewe); Non ti fidar from MUZIO SCEVOLA (G.F. Handel); Quel ruscelletto (P.D. Paradies); Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well from HMS PINAFORE (A. Sullivan); Spring (I. Gurney); Stndchen (J. Brahms); Sure on this shining night (S. Barber); That's Life (J.P. Sacco); The Bird (J. Duke); The Lord's name is praised (M.Greene); The White Peace (A. Bax); The fields are full (C.A. Gibbs); Think on These Things (J.C. Kirlin); To One Who Passed Whistling through the Night; (C.A. Gibbs); Wind (T. Chanler)