Here is the sequel to the wildly popular classroom resource book from celebrated educator Valerie Lippoldt Mack, a Kansas resident whose work has been featured at ACDA, MENC, Carnegie Hall and Disney World. IceBreakers 2 includes 64 more games & activities (as well as numerous variations) designed to build teamwork skills, energize the classroom, and focus the kids. Many, but not all, of the suggestions also teach musical concepts. The six sections in the sequel include: IceBreakers - Remixe...
Teaching Rhythm: New Strategies and Techniques for Success is a unique, innovative, and comprehensive textbook devoted exclusively to the teaching of rhythm. This book presents traditional, as well as non-traditional, 21st century, outside-the-box concepts, and strategies relative to the teaching of rhythm. Part One: Presents a logical, student-centered, five-step Rhythm Learning Sequence for introducing students to the performance of rhythms, from sound to sight. Part Two: A minutely detailed l...
Perfect pitch - also called absolute pitch - has been a source of endless fascination for hundreds of years. The ability to recognize musical tones with no reference is often viewed as a kind of magical power, a gift that only a select few musicians are born with, a skill that cannot be learned. But perfect pitch is largely a misunderstood phenomenon. The Hal Leonard Perfect Pitch Method is designed to help you develop a sense of perfect pitch. In the process, your overall musicianship will benef...
Music notation is a language that has been developing for thousands of years; even the manner in which we read music today has been around for several centuries. In learning to read music, we encounter basic symbols for pitch, duration, and timing. As weadvance, we learn about dynamics, expression, timbre, and even special effects. How to Read Music will introduce you to the basics, then provide more advanced information. As a final reward for all your hard work, you'll get a chance to play excer...
This book is for you if you want to... • Start drum circles in your school, corporation, community, music store, band, or even your home! • Share your musical talent with others in a way that reaches beyond performing. • Inspire people of all ages, races, and abilities to discover their commonality through musical expression. The online audio features over 45 minutes of play-along grooves to jump-start your drum circle as well as a practice tool to develop yo...