Shuebruk, Richard Tongue Trainers, Complete

Trumpet Studies & Etudes

  • Shuebruk, Richard

    Tongue Trainers, Complete

    New edition combines three separate volumes by Richard Shuebruk , former principal trumpet of the Boston Symphony, which are now out of print. This book is divided into three sections which progressively trains the student in proper articulation via muscular development. First section is entitled "Beginners & Teachers" and covers all basic rhythms and meters up to sixteenth notes and 6/8 time. Second section is "Expert Single Tonguing" and includes intermediate and advanced etudes in various major keys and their relative minor key. Final section is "Double & Triple Tonguing" and contains several exercises which first isolate the "K" sound, then incorporate the techniques in repeated pitch patterns, then changing pitch patterns. 48 pages. -pc

    (contents & sample pages)

    • Category: Trumpet Studies & Etudes
    • Item: 048481
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $16.99

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