The MusicSafe Classic contains two different and exchangeable sets of music filters with outstanding sound characteristics with medium and high protection rates. These Alpine Acoustic Filters guarantee an optimal protection without loss of clarity, whileat the same time you can perfectly enjoy the music. MusicSafe Classic earplugs with special music filters are an open system, so that one has no feeling of isolation. -the manufacturer
Category: Hearing Protection
Item: 123949
List Price: $24.99
OUR PRICE: $19.99
Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Category: Hearing Protection
Item: 123946
List Price:
OUR PRICE: $24.99
Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Category: Hearing Protection
Item: 123943
List Price:
OUR PRICE: $29.99
Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Category: Hearing Protection
Item: 123944
List Price:
OUR PRICE: $29.99
Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days