Includes: Alice The Camel; All The Pretty Little Horses; Animal Fair; Baa Baa Black Sheep; Bingo; Ding Dong Bell; Eensy, Weensy Spider; Five Little Ducks; I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly (R Bonne/Alan Mills); Little Bird; Mary Had A Little Lamb; Old Blue; Old Macdonald; One, Two, Three, Four, Five; Pussy Cat; The Ants Go Marching; The Bear Went Over The Mountain; ; Daddy Fox; Field Mice; Five Little Speckled Frogs; Goosey, Goosey, Gander; Hark, Hark, The Dogs Do Bark; Have A Little Dog; Ladybird, Ladybird; Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone; Old Hogan's Ghost; One Elephant; Pop Goes The Weasel; Ride A Cock Horse; Ten Little Pigs; The Barnyard Song; The Owl And The Pussycat; This Little Piggie Went To Market; Three Little Kittens;Two LittleChickens; Chook Chook; Two Little Dickie Birds; Why Doesn't My Goose?