With this book on the interval approach to reading, Frances Clark laid the foundation for the series of comprehensive musicianship publications for which she is renowned. All the ideas are here in embryo: reading by direction and interval, keeping eyes on the score and not looking at the keys, solidifying learning through written work. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 001859 Grade: Price: $6.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Contemporary Piano Literature series includes a selection of music written for children by Bartók, Gretchaninov, Kabalevsky, Prokofiev, Scott, Shostakovich and Stravinsky. In addition, the books contain pieces composed specifically for this series byRoss Lee Finney, David Kraehenbuehl, Douglas Moore, Elie Siegmeister, Alexandre Tansman and Alexander Tcherepnin. Short biographies and portraits help make composers come alive for the student. None of the music is so far in the vanguard that it i...
The Contemporary Piano Literature series includes a selection of music written for children by Bartok, Gretchaninov, Kabalevsky, Prokofiev, Scott, Shostakovich and Stravinsky. In addition, the books contain pieces composed specifically for this series byRoss Lee Finney, David Kraehenbuehl, Douglas Moore, Elie Siegmeister, Alexandre Tansman and Alexander Tcherepnin. Short biographies and portraits help make composers come alive for the student. None of the music is so far in the vanguard that it i...
The Contemporary Piano Literature series is devoted to smaller keyboard works written by composers who have achieved prominence in the 20th century, many specifically commissioned for the Frances Clark Library. Book 3 features vibrant solos by Bartok, Gretchaninov, Tcherepnin, Cyril Scott, Kabalevsky, Shostakovich, and Douglas Moore. Informative biographies and attractive portraits bring the composers alive for students of all ages. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 043040 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
The Contemporary Piano Literature series is devoted to smaller keyboard works written by composers who have achieved prominence in the 20th century, many specifically commissioned for the Frances Clark Library. Book 4 features vibrant solos by Bartok, Gretchaninov, Kabalevsky, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Douglas Moore, Ross Lee Finney, and Alexander Tcherepnin. Short biographies and attractive portraits help make composers come alive for students of all ages. None of the music is so far in the vanguar...
Here is a complete repertoire and textbook for the older or adult beginner. Starting with material appropriate for the first lesson, it moves rapidly through discoveries, music and activities equivalent to The Music Tree and Levels 1 and 2. On completingthe book, the student is ready for Level 3 of the Clark Library. The book provides quantities of music, all of it selected or composed to appeal to the older student -- Studies (introducing each of 65 new subjects), Repertoire (155 solos and duets...
Time to Begin Activities is colorful, cheerful and a delight for students to complete either at the lesson or at home. Activities reinforce reading, rhythm and theory introduced in Time to Begin. Each unit includes at least one game-like activity. As students near the grand staff, note names direction and intervals become an integrated activity. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 038130 Grade: Price: $10.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Activities books are closely correlated, unit-by-unit with the Music Tree series. They provide extensive reinforcement in all the new Music Tree discoveries, plus they offer an exciting new program of sight-playing, guaranteed to develop successful sight-readers from the start. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 038131 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
The Activities books are closely correlated, unit-by-unit with the Music Tree series. They provide extensive reinforcement in all the new Music Tree discoveries, plus they offer an exciting new program of sight-playing, guaranteed to develop successful sight-readers from the start. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 038132 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The Activities books are closely correlated, unit-by-unit with the Music Tree series. They provide extensive reinforcement in all the new Music Tree discoveries, plus they offer an exciting new program of sight-playing, guaranteed to develop successful sight-readers from the start. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 038133 Grade: Price: $10.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
To be used in conjunction with Music Tree 3, Music Tree Activities 3 provides reinforcement and creative application of rhythm and theory concepts in imaginative written drills, games and puzzles, sight playing, accompanying, and transposing. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Extra Materials Item: 042372 Grade: Price: $10.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
An exciting new collection of keyboard gems from 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, designed as a companion volume for Music Tree 3. The pieces are by the great masters from each period who wrote music easy enough for students at this level. All are original keyboard works, selected to provide a well-rounded diet of musical periods, forms, type and styles, all in pieces with sure-fire student appeal. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Repertoire Item: 042373 Grade: Price: $6.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
A comprehensive new compendium of essential exercises and etudes to be used with Music Tree 3. The exercises prepare for each technical problem that occurs in the repertoire, while the etudes provide a variety of musical experiences using each technical skill. Illustrations and explanations help students understand and master each aspect of the technic as it is presented. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Technic Item: 042371 Grade: Price: $7.95 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
A winning collection of all-time recital favorites to be used with Music Tree 3. The irresistible musical styles cover boogie, blues, ballads, jazz, pop, rock, and ragtime. Composers include Tony Caramia, Jon George, Sam Holland, Scott Joplin, Lynn Freeman Olsen, Elvina Truman Pearce, and Deborah Schwenk. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Repertoire Item: 042374 Grade: Price: $4.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Time To Begin, the cornerstone of the Music Tree series, is a unique and highly effective approach to beginning piano instruction. Starting with off-staff notation, it leads the student to reading direction and intervals, and climaxes with the discovery of the Grand Staff. Also included is a carefully designed program of rhythm, technic and creative work. The cassette features electronic renditions of the music: it offers the accompaniment alone, or both the student's and teacher's parts. The Tea...
A most exciting addition to the classic Music Tree -- digitally mastered accompaniments for much of the repertoire. This new technology complements and enhances the music and provides a whole new dimension of incentive for practice. Artfully arranged by Sam Holland, each orchestral accompaniment has its own style. Some are improvisatory in feel using jazz and blues idioms, while others use sound effects to add humor. These imaginative new sounds will add adventure to home practice. Each title is ...
A most exciting addition to the classic Music Tree -- digitally mastered accompaniments for much of the repertoire. This new technology complements and enhances the music and provides a whole new dimension of incentive for practice. Artfully arranged by Sam Holland, each orchestral accompaniment has its own style. Some are improvisatory in feel using jazz and blues idioms, while others use sound effects to add humor. These imaginative new sounds will add adventure to home practice. Each title is ...
TIME TO BEGIN, the cornerstone of the MUSIC TREE series, is a unique and highly effective approach to beginning piano instruction. Starting with off-staff notation, it leads the student to reading direction and intervals, and climaxes with the discovery of the Grand Staff. Also included is a carefully designed program of rhythm, technic and creative work. The cassette features electronic renditions of the music: it offers the accompaniment alone, or both the student's and teacher's parts. The TEA...
TIME TO BEGIN, the cornerstone of the MUSIC TREE series, is a unique and highly effective approach to beginning piano instruction. Starting with off-staff notation, it leads the student to reading direction and intervals, and climaxes with the discovery of the Grand Staff. Also included is a carefully designed program of rhythm, technic and creative work. The cassette features electronic renditions of the music: it offers the accompaniment alone, or both the student's and teacher's parts. The TEA...
The Music Tree series continues the development of complete musicianship by providing the beginner with delightful and varied repertoire. The pupil learns a variety of idioms encompassing folk, jazz and pop. The creativity of the students is emphasized since they are given musical segments to rearrange, transpose, complete or to use as the basis for a new composition. Technical aspects are also addressed including greater facility, blocked intervals and chords, and more hands together playing. Gu...
A most exciting addition to the classic Music Tree -- digitally mastered accompaniments for much of the repertoire. This new technology complements and enhances the music and provides a whole new dimension of incentive for practice. Artfully arranged by Sam Holland, each orchestral accompaniment has its own style. Some are improvisatory in feel using jazz and blues idioms, others use sound effects to add humor. These imaginative new sounds will add adventure to home practice. Each title is played...
A most exciting addition to the classic Music Tree -- digitally mastered accompaniments for much of the repertoire. This new technology complements and enhances the music and provides a whole new dimension of incentive for practice. Artfully arranged by Sam Holland, each orchestral accompaniment has its own style. Some are improvisatory in feel using jazz and blues idioms, others use sound effects to add humor. These imaginative new sounds will add adventure to home practice. Each title is played...
The Music Tree series continues the development of complete musicianship by providing the beginner with delightful and varied repertoire. The pupil learns a variety of idioms encompassing folk, jazz and pop. The creativity of the students is emphasized since they are given musical segments to rearrange, transpose, complete or to use as the basis for a new composition. Technical aspects are also addressed including greater facility, blocked intervals and chords, and more hands together playing. Gu...
A most exciting addition to the classic Music Tree -- digitally mastered accompaniments for much of the repertoire. This new technology complements and enhances the music and provides a whole new dimension of incentive for practice. Artfully arranged by Sam Holland, each orchestral accompaniment has its own style. Some are improvisatory in feel using jazz and blues idioms, others use sound effects to add humor. These imaginative new sounds will add adventure to home practice. Each title is played...
A most exciting addition to the classic Music Tree -- digitally mastered accompaniments for much of the repertoire. This new technology complements and enhances the music and provides a whole new dimension of incentive for practice. Artfully arranged by Sam Holland, each orchestral accompaniment has its own style. Some are improvisatory in feel using jazz and blues idioms, others use sound effects to add humor. These imaginative new sounds will add adventure to home practice. Each title is played...
The Music Tree series continues the development of complete musicianship by providing the beginner with delightful and varied repertoire. The pupil learns a variety of idioms encompassing folk, jazz and pop. The creativity of the students is emphasized since they are given musical segments to rearrange, transpose, complete or to use as the basis for a new composition. Technical aspects are also addressed including greater facility, blocked intervals and chords, and more hands together playing. Gu...
In a wealth of delightful discovery pieces and repertoire, Music Tree 3 explores sixteenth notes, syncopation and "swing" rhythm, relative major and minor keys, triads and inversions, subdominant and dominant 7th chords, and chromatic and whole tone scales. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods Item: 042370 Grade: Price: $10.99 Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Music Tree Part 3 now offers a new accompaniment series that includes audio CDs and MIDI disks as well as an educational software program to excite and motivate piano students! The audio CDs include two performances of each selected piece: solo part withan orchestrated accompaniment and orchestrated accompaniments alone. The MIDI disks can be used in any MIDI keyboard that has a disk drive or with a personal computer -- control the tempo, transpose to a different key, add a metronome click, and m...
An invaluable compendium of pre-college technique for students of late elementary through early advanced levels. The four volumes are designed to benefit any student in the mastery of crucial elements of technique, to learn to play well both technically and musically, and to think and listen from the twin standpoints of facility and tone production. Teaching Musical Fingers -- A Handbook for Teachers, stresses points to consider in teaching the exercises, as well as musical and technical attitude...
This time-honored series, the technical cornerstone of the Frances Clark Library, is designed for use with each of the six levels of core materials. The books remain unique for their comprehensive and systematic preparation for all the technical problemsencountered in the piano repertoire which the student plays at each of the corresponding levels. -the publisher (contents & sample pages)
This time-honored series, the technical cornerstone of the Frances Clark Library, is designed for use with each of the six levels of core materials. The books remain unique for their comprehensive and systematic preparation for all the technical problemsencountered in the piano repertoire which the student plays at each of the corresponding levels. -the publisher (contents & sample pages)
This time-honored series, the technical cornerstone of the Frances Clark Library, is designed for use with each of the six levels of core materials. The books remain unique for their comprehensive and systematic preparation for all the technical problemsencountered in the piano repertoire which the student plays at each of the corresponding levels. -the publisher (contents & sample pages)
These supplementary collections provide that indispensable aspect of any keyboard curriculum, musical 'dessert' -- music in lighter popular styles and a variety of rich, diverse character pieces. Effective antidotes to lagging student interest, the pieces are primarily recreational in nature, but also promote rhythmic and technical development. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 000274 Grade: Price: $7.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
These supplementary collections provide that indispensable aspect of any keyboard curriculum, musical 'dessert' -- music in lighter popular styles and a variety of rich, diverse character pieces. Effective antidotes to lagging student interest, the pieces are primarily recreational in nature, but also promote rhythmic and technical development. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 000275 Grade: Price: $7.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
These supplementary collections provide that indispensable aspect of any keyboard curriculum, musical 'dessert' -- music in lighter popular styles and a variety of rich, diverse character pieces. Effective antidotes to lagging student interest, the pieces are primarily recreational in nature, but also promote rhythmic and technical development. -the publisher
Category: Piano Methods - Supplementary Repertoire Item: 000925 Grade: Price: $7.95 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days