Lesson Book 1 is pre-reading. Concepts taught are: How to sit at the piano; Correct hand position; High and low; Loud and soft (forte and piano); Keyboard topography; Bar line and measure, Quarter, half, whole notes and rests; and Repeat signs. The firstpieces in the book are played on the black keys. Later in the book, C D E for the RH and C B A for the LH (Middle C position) are taught with letter notes (the name of the note is written inside the note head).
Category: Piano Methods Item: 032563 Grade: Price: $9.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Lesson Book 2 starts as pre-reading, then moves to reading on the staff. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Dotted quarter note and 4/4 time, 4/4 time, Mezzo-forte, Staff and note reading, Steps and skips, Grand staff. New notes taught are F and G in the LH and RH, completing the Middle C position.
Category: Piano Methods Item: 033840 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The music in Lesson Book 3 is completely written on the staff. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Staccato, legato, slurs; Melodic and harmonic 2nds and 3rds; Melodic and harmonic 4ths and 5ths; f-p.; Bass clef C D E are taught for the LH. Students then know all notes necessary to play in the C position. Playing both hands together is taught near the end of the book.
Category: Piano Methods Item: 034976 Grade: Price: $8.99 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Lesson Book 4 is the last in the Music for Little Mozarts series. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Flat and sharp sign; Tie; Crescendo and diminuendo. After reviewing C position and Middle C position, G position is taught. All three positionsare used alternately throughout the rest of the book, with flat and sharp notes incorporated. When the student is finished with Lesson Book 4, he/she moves either into Alfred's Basic Piano Library, Prep Course, Level C or Alfred's Premier Piano Co...