21st Century. Canticles was commissioned by the Dutch Composers Fund "Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst" at the request of the New Trombone Collective. The world premiere took place on May 6, 2007, in the Laurens Church in Rotterdam during Slide Factory2007, performed by Ben van Dijk and the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy conducted by Ivan Meylemans. Complete set, Hal Leonard item number 04000233 includes, solo, full score & wind parts.
Category: Band Music Item: 069966 Grade: Advanced Price: $330.00 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
21st Century. Canticles was commissioned by the Dutch Composers Fund "Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst" at the request of the New Trombone Collective. The world premiere took place on May 6, 2007, in the Laurens Church in Rotterdam during Slide Factory2007, performed by Ben van Dijk and the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy conducted by Ivan Meylemans. Study score. For a set of performance parts with full score, see item 69966. (instrumentation & sample pages)
Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy of Hobbits and wizards, Johan de Meij' award-winning symphony for band (grade 6) is now available in this new edition. Working directly with the composer, Paul Lavender has masterfully adapted and condensed threeof the original five movements into a practical concert version, written at a level and instrumentation that brings this dramatic work within the reach of most bands. Now many more of your students can experience the depth and power of this exciti...
The first movement is a musical portrait of the wizard Gandalf, one of the principal characters of the trilogy. His wise and noble personality is expressed by a stately motiff which is used in a different form in movements IV and V. The sudden opening ofthe Allegro vivace is indicative of the unpredictability of the grey wizard, followed by a wild ride on his beautiful horse "Shadowfax." -the publisher
Category: Band Music Item: 075430 Grade: Price: $165.00 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The second movement is an impression of Lothl˘rien, the elvenwood with its beautiful trees, plants, exotic birds, expressed through woodwind solos. The meeting of the Hobbit Frodo with the Lady Galadriel is embodied in a charming Allegretto; in the Mirror of Galadriel, a silver basin in the wood, Frodo glimpses three visions, the last of which, a large ominous Eye, greatly upsets him. -the publisher
Category: Band Music Item: 075432 Grade: Price: $165.00 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The third movement describes the monstrous creature Gollum, a slimy, shy being represented by the soprano saxophone. It mumbles and talks to itself, hisses and lisps, whines and snickers, is alternately pitiful and malicious, is continually fleeing and looking for his cherished treasure, the Ring. -the publisher
Category: Band Music Item: 075434 Grade: Price: $165.00 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
The fourth movement describes the laborious journey of the Fellowship of the Ring, headed by the wizard Gandalf, through the dark tunnels of the Mines of Moria. The slow walking cadenza and the fear are clearly audible in the monotonous rhythm of the lowbrass, piano and percussion. After a wild persuit by hostile creatures, the Orks, Gandalf is engaged in battle with a horrible monster, the Balrog, and crashes from the subterranean bridge of Khazad-D–m in a fathomless abyss. To the melancholy ton...
The fifth movement expresses the carefree and optimistic character of the Hobbits in a happy folk dance; the hymn that follows emanates the determination and noblesse of the hobbit folk. The symphony does not end on an exuberant note, but is concluded peacefully and resigned, in keeping with the symbolic mood of the last chapter "The Grey Havens" in which Frodo and Gandalf sail away in a white ship and disappear slowly beyond the horizon. -the publisher
Category: Band Music Item: 075440 Grade: Price: $165.00 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
Johan de Meij's first symphony The Lord of the Rings (revised 2023) is based on the trilogy of that name by J.R.R. Tolkien. This book has fascinated many millions of readers since its publication in 1955. The symphony consists of five separate movements,each illustrating a personage or an important episode from the book. The movements are: I. Gandalf (The Wizard) II. Lothlorien (The Elvenwood) III. Gollum (Sm‚agol) IV. Journey in the Dark V. Hobbits The s...
This concerto for solo trombone and symphonic band consists of three movements called respectively 'Rare,' 'Medium' and 'Well Done.' The ensemble consists of a double wind quintet plus an english horn and a double bass. Recorded by Christian Lindberg on Scandinavian Connection, catalog number 35857.
Category: Band Full Scores Item: 037937 Grade: Price: $93.00 Availability: Ships in 6 to 9 Days
This concerto for solo trombone and symphonic band consists of three movements called respectively 'Rare,' 'Medium' and 'Well Done.' The ensemble consists of a double wind quintet plus an english horn and a double bass. Solo part provided in tenor clef or bass clef (sometimes both). Range is approximately D2 (D below the staff) to D6 (D a 9th above middle C). Premiered in 1995, the De Meij trombone concerto has become a staple in the trombone literature. Score and parts. 04000091 Recorded by: &...
21st Century (2016). Two-Bone Concerto was written for and dedicated to Joe Alessi and J”rgen van Rijen. The world premier of Two-Bone Concerto took place during the 2016 International Trombone Festival at the Juilliard School of Music in New York. For two tenor trombones & full band. A piano reduction is available, see item 109833.
Category: Band Music Item: 109834 Grade: Advanced Price: $350.00 Availability: Ships in 10 to 15 Days
21st Century (2012). UFO Concerto, my first solo work for euphonium and wind orchestra, is not a traditional concerto in the classical sense. It consists of five movements that are thematically related to one another. The opening chord may sound familiarto some listeners: This chord and the first theme are based on the same five-note chord used in `Extreme Makeover' and `Planet Earth' in 2005: a major triad with an added 4th and a 7th. This chord has been obsessively present in my head ever since...