Porrino, Ennio Concertino

Trumpet Solos w/Piano

  • Porrino, Ennio


    A technical showpiece in a quasi-variation form that requires virtuosic skills in terms of double/ triple tonguing and finger dexterity (occasionally in quite disjunct passages). Rhythmic challenges are rather straight-forward although variation three and the finale (in 12/16) will require a good understanding of subdivision. Range up to high C during impact points. Slower variations provide contrast and a chance to showcase lyrical playing through long phrases. Finale is FAST and exciting. Piano part is challenging.

    (solo sample 1)
    (solo sample 2)
    (solo sample 3)

    • Category: Trumpet Solos w/Piano
    • Item: 001619
    • Grade/Level: Grade 6 - Advanced
    • Price: $19.99

    • (usually ships in 24 hours)