Cortazzo, Jeff World Report, op 3

Trombone Octets

  • Cortazzo, Jeff

    World Report, op 3

    21st Century (2009). Inspired by TV news jingles; World Report is a harmonic feast but contains only one melodic theme, which is passed to and fro. Written for and premiered by the Washington Trombone Ensemble in October 2010. For six tenors and two basses in one choir. Range is from pedal Eb to high Db. Clefs are TTBBBBBB. Performed by the Professor's Choir at the 2013 ITF in Columbus Georgia.

    Recorded by:
    Θ - Washington Trombone Ensemble, on The Road Not Taken - CD 90392.

    • Category: Trombone Octets
    • Item: 085012
    • Grade/Level: Advanced
    • Price: $24.00

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