Lapins, Alexander Dueling Fundamentals

Euphonium Duets

  • Lapins, Alexander

    Dueling Fundamentals [bass clef]

    Dueling Fundamentals for Two Euphoniums by Alexander Lapins is appropriate for advanced high school through professional euphonium players.

    The Wiffle Waffle, The Hip Lip Flip Trip, Melodic Minor Mayhem, and Arban Freaks Out are just some of the fun_but make no mistake, also challenging!_duets included in Dueling Fundamentals for Euphoniums. This book consists of six chapters: Long Tones, Fingerbusters, Flexibility, Range, Scales, and Mixed Techniques. In each duet, both lines are challenging_there is no "student" line and no "teacher" line. Therefore this book works well for lessons or as an excellent tool for two friends or classmates looking to challenge themselves and each other.

    "This book is really fun! It is easy for any musician to get bogged down in the same daily routine. Since the book is intended to offer the player the opportunity to pick a different suite of exercises each session, no two are exactly alike. The variety and creativity of exercises offered herein keeps the player engaged and really listening, another 'key' that Alex points out. Enjoy!" - Matt Tropman, Assistant Professor of Tuba and Euphonium, University of Arizona

    "Get this book!! Dueling Fundamentals takes fundamentals practice to the next level by making it multi-dimensional. It provides a chamber music concept of accountability and independence with skillfully thought out exercises and progressions." - Adam Frey, International Soloist; University of North Georgia

    "What a great resource!!! I'm always looking for solid and challenging materials to use with my students and usually have to pull from three or four books to find everything I need. Alex, thanks for making my bag lighter!" - Lance LaDuke, Carnegie MellonUniversity; co-host of The Brass Junkies podcast; Author, Music Practice Coach

    86 pages, spiral bound to lay flat on the music stand -the publisher

    • Category: Euphonium Duets
    • Item: 124058
    • Grade/Level:
    • Price: $24.95

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