McKee, Kevin Adventures of...

Trumpet Solos - Unaccompanied

  • McKee, Kevin

    Adventures of...

    21st century (2016). Commissioned by Jason Bergman.

    When Bergman, or as I read it"BERG MAN," wrote to me about commissioning an unaccompanied piece for trumpet, something a few minutes long that had a little of everything, I thought: what better vehicle than a mini super-hero soundtrack!?! Set primarily in a minor tonality, I also made sure to make use of two tonalities synonymous with action-movie scores: the diminished scale and Lydian mode. With heroic flair, percussive drive and soaring melodic lines "The Adventurers Of." invites the performer to be the hero of this particular adventure. - the composer

    (solo sample page)

    • Category: Trumpet Solos - Unaccompanied
    • Item: 112565
    • Grade/Level: Advanced
    • Price: $10.00

    • (usually ships in 24 hours)