Vivaldi, Antonio (Terrett) Vedro con mio Diletto

Brass Quintets

  • Vivaldi, Antonio (Terrett)

    Vedro con mio Diletto (Terrett) [211.01]

    Baroque. The aria from Vivaldi's 1724 opera Giustino, Vedrocon mio diletto, has become a famous piece sung at concerts and on recordings by countertenors and contraltos. Keith Terrett has arranged this aria of about 3 minutes in length, featuring pccolo trmpet within the brass quintet (5 players total). The work also features a mysterious ground bass that repeats in different guises. Instrumentation is for Bb piccolo trumpet, Bb trumpet, horn, trombone and tuba. -the publisher

    • Category: Brass Quintets
    • Item: 132924
    • Grade/Level: Advanced
    • Price: $18.45

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