Hickey's Trombone Care Kit, Advanced

Trombone Cleaning Kits

  • Hickey's

    Trombone Care Kit, Advanced

    A trombone maintenance kit for the advanced player with an F-attachment instrument. This kit contains 8 key items plus a pencil and miniature practice log. Save when compared to all these items purchased separately:

     • Superslick Alpha Synth slide lubricant (our 132294)
     • Hickeys Bone Bottle water bottle (our 023217)
     • Premium valve oil
     • Tuning slide grease, clear synthetic
     • Snake, vinyl with bristles at both ends (our 102915)
     • Rotor valve string
     • Cleaning cloth for lacquered instruments
     • Mouthpiece brush
     • - plus -
     • Pencil, mini golf style for your pencil clip
     • Practice log card - log up to 364 sessions over 52 weeks

    Hickey's Trombone Care Kit

    • Category: Trombone Cleaning Kits
    • Item: 123585
    • Grade/Level:
    • Our Price: $24.95  MSRP: $36.50 Save: $11.55 (31%)

    • (usually ships in 24 hours)