Thibault, Thierry Alla Francese - score & brass parts

Brass Quartets

  • Thibault, Thierry

    Alla Francese - score & brass parts [111.01 w/chamber orchestra]

    21st Century (2014). For 111.01 brass quartet and chamber orchestra. This set includes a study score and all four brass parts parts. Orchestral parts are available for rental from the publisher.

    Written in three movements and in the classic form of the concerto grosso: Allegro, poco adagio, allegro final. The resolute tonal language of this work is reflective of the mainstream French composers of the 20th century, combined with additional eclectic influences and the composer's personal creative inspiration. The orchestration is based on a palette of sounds produced by three quartets: four solo brass instruments, strings, and four woodwinds (2 oboes and 2 horns). The quartets are treated as autonomous entities, combined either in pairs or other complementary settings, producing alternately warm or lusterless, brilliant or dark, majestic or intimate, acoustic colors. Alla Francese was premiered in April 2014 in Colmar (France) by the Brass Quartet Epsilon, the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, and Maestro Vincent Monteil. -the publisher

    (sample pages)

    • Category: Brass Quartets
    • Item: 104064
    • Grade/Level: Advanced
    • Price: $40.90

    • (usually ships in 10 to 15 days)