Forsyth, Malcolm Golyard's Grounde

Brass Quintets

  • Forsyth, Malcolm

    Golyard's Grounde [211.01]

    20th Century (1971). Canadian composer Malcolm Forsythe wrote Golyardes' Grounde for the Canadian Brass. This unique piece begins quite somber and gradually increases in intensity, becoming quite elaborate with intricate rhythmic textures and a variety of symmetrical and asymmetrical meters. Well-detailed dynamic indications help bring out important lines and balance the ensemble. Forsyth was principal trombonist with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and currently is professor of composition at the University of Alberta. Duration is approx 3:20 minutes. -pc

    A ground is "a melody, usually in the bass and hence often called a ground bass (basso ostinato in Italian), recurring many times in succession, accompanied by continuous variation in the upper parts." - The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians

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    • Category: Brass Quintets
    • Item: 011608
    • Grade/Level: Grade 6 - Advanced
    • Price: $25.00

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