The Owner's Blog

Female Composers
11 Jan, 2020 (rev. Sept 2024)

There has in recent years been a marked increased of awareness in the musical community of works written by woman composers. While there is and has long been a significant presence of woman composers in certain contemporary categories of music, especially Piano Teaching, Sacred Music, and Popular Music, there has been a dearth in the sphere of historical "Classical" Concert Music. Awareness and availability of these compositions has been muted, even supressed. Some names have been constant, such as Clara Schumann, Cecile Chaminade, and Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel. Others receive mention but are not as often performed, such as Nadia Boulangier, Amy Beach, and Hildegard Von Bingen. These names have often been held up over the years whenever the need arose to demonstrate that not all music was written by men. It is not known for certain just how many concert works were written by women and never published, or actually published under a man's name so as to be deemed acceptable to contemporary society. Regardless of reason, the reality is that very little great music written by (known) female composers exists in the concert music repertoire.

In the latter part of the 20th Century, that began to change. It continues to progress today as a small but growing contingent of female composers is actively writing for all musical idioms, but especially in that of classical concert music. These include Barbara York, Ellen Taffe Zwilich, Libby Larsen, Joan Tower, Lauren Bernofsky, Elizabeth Raum and others. They have and continue to gain recognition for excellence in their craft. Society today is more welcoming than ever of diversity on the concert program, so we can expect to see more and more great music composed by persons other than the traditional male demographic.

Here at Hickey's, in an effort to highlight the contributions of women to the classical concert music repertoire, we have begun tagging works written by female composers. Now, you can perform your usual searches on our database, and by including the hashtag #female in your seach, you will be able to achieve fast and meaningful results.

This project is one that is ongoing. When we started this project in the late 2010's we had identified a handful of concert works by female composers. As of 2024 we have tagged over 1200 with more being added all the time. And this still doesn't include popular music, piano teaching works, and all manner of method, etude and study books. There are many others lying in the database waiting to be properly identified, and as they are, they will join the lists of search results that are presented to you on our site.

I hope you will find this endeavor to be a worthy one, as we certainly have. It has been a long time in creation, but now that it is up and running, we hope that it will be easier for you to make choices of repertoire when diversity in your programming is a priority.

In Music,
—Charles DePaolo, owner
Hickeys Music Center