The Owner's Blog

Black Composers
24 June, 2020 (rev. Sept 2024)

In January of 2020 I wrote about the issue of women being an under-represented demographic among the pantheon of composers of Western Classical Concert Music. At the time I was working on that issue, I was also working on a separate project concerning another deficiency, that of composers of African descent (i.e. "Black" composers). That project was moving along and then the Covid-19 pandemic hit, which caused me to have to shift focus for obvious reasons. But with several terrible events in the news, I was motivated to put this project back on track, if for no other reason than to show in some very small way my support for this community. The Black Composer Project has been an eye-opener for me. I discovered composers I'd never heard of before, and a few that I had but didn't realize their heritage.

Like our Female Composer project, this one also seeks to highlight composers of formal concert works. It does not yet encompass the many other areas where Black composers have had a significant, even dominating presence, such as jazz, popular, religious, and educational music. Those areas will follow at a later date. For now, the project concerns mostly concert music - music that could be performed formally in a concert venue to a dedicated audience, and some formal study material. More to come!

The availability of serious compositions by Black composers has been limited, to say the least. Composers such as Scott Joplin, Adolphus Hailstork, and William Grant Still are among the better known names, but a number of others are there to hear as well. As this project progresses, I hope to bring to light many more composers, old and new, so that players and audiences eveywhere can be exposed to a wider cross section of the art form. I do not know how many composers will ultimately be included in the project, but my goal is to find and catalog all those that are readily available through our publisher networks.

In order to see these works, just add the hashtag #black in your search, alone or in combination with other terms (be sure to include the hashtag "#" itself otherwise you will receive thousands of false results).

This project is one that is ongoing. As with the female composer project, initially only a few records were so flagged. As of this update (2024) the quantity of hits has increased more than tenfold. There are no doubt many others in our database or available to us externally that can be added. If you are aware of somone we are overlooking, we would love to hear from you. Please write me at and let me know your thoughts.

I hope you will find this endeavor to be a worthy one. It has been a long time in creation, but now that it is up and running, I hope that it will be easier for you to make choices of repertoire when diversity in your programming is a priority.

In Music,
—Charles DePaolo, owner
Hickeys Music Center